
Seasoned Demolition Specialists

Nearly 30 Years of Experience

Employing inexperienced demolition experts oftentimes lead to disastrous results.

When you need the services of seasoned demolition specialists, choose Catclaw Contractors in Tucson, AZ. Since we were established in 1994, countless property owners in the states of Arizona, Texas, California, New Mexico, and Nevada have turned to us for their demolition needs. When you choose us, you can rest assured knowing that all of your requirements will be addressed in a timely and professional manner.

Why Choose Us?

Free Estimates
Honest and Responsible Staff
Licensed (ROC 102797)
Member of the ASBA (Arizona Small Business Association)
Nearly 30 Years of Experience
Wide Service Area

Let Us Handle Your Project Concerns

Through hard work and dedication, we have built an amazing reputation of being consistent providers of excellent demolition solutions. We go beyond our scope of work and make full use of our team’s expertise to make sure that you are completely satisfied with our services. Call us at (520) 760-0185 today to learn more about what we can do for you. We will be more than happy to provide additional information about our company and the work we do.
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